Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Development of Motivation Theory in Business Essay - 1

The Development of Motivation Theory in Business - Essay ExampleThis paper illustrates that Maslows system asserts that people are motivated by the quest to satisfy their require or deficiencies. Maslow grouped needs into five categories with the needs occurring in a precise hierarchy where the lower needs had to be satisfied before advancing to those of higher order. Physiological needs are basic survival needs same food while safety needs are personal security needs such as the need for a steady job. Social needs are social acceptance and fight down needs while egoistical needs are desired by an individual to be valued by others. Self-actualization is the aspiration of an individual to acquire the finest out of his/her abilities. From the hierarchical system, Maslow deduced that those needs which had already been satisfied no longer provided motivation for action. Due to lack of empirical support for Maslows theory, Alderfer postulated the Alderfers Existence-Relatedness-Growt h (ERG) theory, which condensed Maslows needs to three. These three needs were existence or physical survival needs, relatedness or social needs and growth or need for personal growth and development. Alderfer, however, did not insist on a hierarchical system rather he claimed that the needs ought to be experienced simultaneously. Alderfers theory got more appeal from practitioners and had greater empirical support. Though the needs theory has limited empirical support, some of its assertions like the self-actualization principle have gained cash among managers and executives who perceive this high-level need as a potent motivator. Herzberg claimed that motivation emanates from the job itself and not from other external characteristics. He explained that those factors take oning to job pleasure or motivators are distinct from those that cause job dissatisfaction that is, hygiene or maintenance factors. The hygiene factors are factors surrounding the task which do not lead to sati sfaction but prevent dissatisfaction if well maintained. Examples of such factors are job status and remuneration.

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