Monday, June 10, 2019

Exploring Inferential Statistics and Their Discontents Assignment

Exploring Inferential Statistics and Their Discontents - Assignment ExampleAnswer Critical t 2.0687 at DF= 23 Critical t 2.1604 at DF= 13 He is more likely to make Type II error. 6. a) The test is two tailed. b) Ho u = 58 Ha u is not equal to 58 c) Calculate standard deviation and mean for the sample in the beginning then calculate t- revalue by using the following formula. t = (Xbar - u)* sqrt n/s n stand for the sample size s stand for the sample standard deviation Xbar stand for the sample mean u = 58 d) t-critical value Degrees of freedom = n - 1 = 14 - 1 = 13 level of significance = alpha = 5% = 0.05 t-critical value = 2.145 e) Ho willing be rejected if the computed t value is greater than the critical value f) 95% confidence interval for u can be achieved by applying the subsequent formula. Sample mean +/- t critical value*s/sqrt n 8. a. X2 obtained = 4.74 b. df of the test = 1 c. x2 critical value = 3.84 d. This question can be done assuming it is on assessment of a hypothesi s and using z test. Jackson (2012) Chapter 8, Pgs. 273-275 (even numbered exercises) 2. a. Statistical test a two-proportion t-interval b. Ho students listening to medicament while studying have the similar scores as students not listening to music Ha students listening to music while studying have the worse scores than students not listening to music c. with Music Without Music Mean 6 7.75 Variance 1.142857143 2.214285714 Observations 8 8 Pearson Correlation equals -0.449013255 Hypothesized Mean Difference is Zero Degree of Freedom = 7 t Stat = -2.262609773 P(T

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