Sunday, June 2, 2019

Gasoline Dependence Essays -- Environment, Carbon Emissions

For over 100 years, the automobile manufacture has relied on gasoline as its main source of fuel. Gasoline is a colorless, highly combustible substance used in internal combustion engines. It is a fossil fuel made from crude oil, a natural gas formed from the corpse of ancient plants and animals (Websters Dictionary). Gasoline has irresponsiblely influenced our way of life by providing convenient, on demand transportation. It has created a global economy that moves people and goods faster and more easily than ever imagined (Povey 12). Although a seemingly perfect substance, it has unprecedented flaws. The tremendous political, environmental, and economic problems resultant from the excessive use of gasoline leads to the conclusion that the automobile industry should non continue to rely on this source of fuel.Environmental RisksWhen the problems with gasoline use be considered, the catastrophic environmental effects are the primary concern. gondola use consumes 70 percent of t he United States oil interpret and is responsible for one-third of the nations carbon emissions (Lovins 173). This results in pollution, global contendming, and health problems for the people, plants, and animals. The explore for alternative fuel is powered by the increasingly evident environmental problems and long-term health of the planet (Povey 17). Fortunately, reducing emissions globally is predicted to have a positive effect and offset previous harms (Backer).As years pass and demand for gasoline increases, it is inevitable that the populations oil supply will not last forever. This idea is made increasingly clear by evidence of peaking. Peak production is the point in time when about one-half of the worlds oil supply will be gone. Oil production in a given ... ...Africa, simply to ensure a steady supply of oil for the States. Finding an alternative fuel would be much safer, and much less expensive. Alternative fuels also do not fund a war against America. By paying for such large amounts of oil, America is funding both sides of the Islamic war Middle East countries use American money to crusade (Hobson). Alternative fuels allow America to keep to themselves and avoid conflict.Gasoline is thought to be a helpful substance to all countries worldwide. However, the negative effects are far greater than the positive. A diversity of clean fuels is vital for the political, environmental, and economic health of America. Although gasoline is a product depended on by the United States of America and many other countries, the negative effects are unbearable, dangerous, and unnecessary due to the opportunity to use alternative fuels.

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