Saturday, June 1, 2019

Removal of the Cherokee Essay -- essays research papers

In The Cherokee Removal, Perdue and Green show the trials that the Cherokee faced in the years from 1700 to 1840. This book shows how the Americans well-tried to remove these Indians from the southeastern part of the United States. The Cherokees tried to overcome the attempts of removal, but finally in 1838, they were removed from the area.The Cherokees lived in the valleys of rivers that drained the southern Appalachians (Perdue, 1). The British first came into Cherokee country in 1700. They came for devil major reasons deerskins and contend captives. They brought guns and ammunition, metal knives, hoes, hatchets, fabrics, kettles, rum, and trinkets. They took the Cherokee and made them slaves. The British built two forts to protect the Cherokees while they were fighting the enemies of the British. The Cherokees entered the French and Indian War on the side of the British (Perdue, 6). Attacks on Cherokees by white frontiersmen and duplicity by colonial officials caused the Chero kees to shift their allegiance to the French. During the war, the British destroyed many Cherokee towns.The war the American Revolution caused many British settlers to push westward. These settlers began to compete with the Cherokees for land. The Cherokee were glad when the Proclamation of 1763 was put into effect. This prevented settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. Most of the settlers became enemies. The settlers attacked the Cherokees, destroying many towns and killing many people. This attack caused the Cherokees to end their affair in the American Revolution. The American colonist continued to take over the Cherokee land.In 1783, the American Revolution ended. Since most of the Cherokees helped the British in the Revolutionary War, the Americans ask to make peace with them. Then in1785, the treaty of Hopewell was signed (Perdue 8). This was a peace treaty between the Cherokee and the Americans. This treaty defined the Cherokees boundaries and it gave them the right to get rid of uncalled-for settlers. The states of Georgia and North Carolina ignored this treaty. The people of these states expanded into Cherokee land, and the Cherokees continued to resist.The Americans needed to come up with another system. Henry Knox was gave the task to come up wit... ...(Perdue 20). It gave them two years to prepare for removal. Many of the Cherokees, led by John Ross, protested this treaty. However, in the winter of 1838-1839, all of the Cherokees headed west toward Oklahoma. This removal of the Cherokees is now known, as the Trail of separate was a very gruesome event. During the trip from the southern United States to current day Oklahoma, many of the Cherokees died. Shortly after their arrival in Oklahoma, they began to rebuild. They began tilling fields, direct their children to school, and attending Council meetings (Perdue 170).The Cherokees were very civilized in dealing with the trails of removal. These people endured more than any other group o f people throughout history. They played within the rules in their struggle. They did not want to start a war with the Americans. The Cherokees resisted removal and took it to court. Despite all of their tries to keep their land, they were removed. Work CitedGreen, Michael D., and Theda Perdue, eds. The Cherokee Removal A brief History with Documents. sassy York Bedford Books of St. Martins Press, 1995.

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