Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Part (a) Outline the argument that there is increasing uncertainty Essay

get around (a) Outline the argument that there is increasing uncertainty about identity in contemporary society. take off (b) How much control do we have in shaping our o - Essay ExampleThis helps to displace signals to others how we want to be seen as. A document like a passport signifies that you belong to a position(a) nation, even though the physical appearance may have changed over a period of years.Identities atomic number 18 formed depending upon how I see me and how others see me. Identities are the product of the society in which we live and how we interest to others. Conflicting and multiple identities also develop when the same person exhibits different characteristics or attributes as a parent, husband, or an employee at different times, in different situations. There is also a connection amongst how I want to be and the influences, pressures, and oppurtunities around that affect me. Conflicting identity can also grind away when how I see myself differs from how others see me.The organization of society is important in shaping our identity. Louis Althusser emphasizes that interpellation connect the individual to the social. Interpellation is a process in which the people recognize themselves in a particular identity, for instance, people identify themselves as that when they see a particular advertisement.Social scientists relate work ground identities to class. A class is a group of people who share common interest, experiences, and lifestyles. Different economic systems name different social groups, which involves some degree of inequality. The unequal distribution of materials creates different social class. Gender transaction are another source of inequality. Men are considered the breadwinner and womens identity is merely an extension of their habit as wives, homemakers, and mothers. Hence, distribution of work between men and women also carries these marks and identities. Young children need to have whether they are boy or girl. Gender identity is constructed not just through the biological eubstance but also through the social and cultural classification system.Social class provides a sense experience of belonging and

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