Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Enterotube case study Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enterotube character reference study - Lab Report ExampleWithin 3 hours the patient suffered from severe vomiting, feelings of nausea and diarrhea. He also felt consistent abdominal cramps. He had developed mild fever while being admitted. This is a clear case of food poisoning since no new(prenominal) symptoms are visible. No other complication developed. However since several(prenominal) species of bacteria can cause food poisoning it is important to accurately point out the causal microbe for proper treatment approach.In order to reach a proper diagnostic conclusion several tests needs to be conducted to accurately identify the exact species of the pathogenic bacteria responsible for causing the symptoms in the patient. The Enterotube IITM System has been used to help in identification since several evaluations have shown that the system is both simple to use and rapid for analysis of bacterial species (Martin et al, 1971, p.96).It is a pre-packaged diagnostic tool used for i dentification of Gram Negative bacteria in Enterobactericeae family. Even though the physical process is less reliable than conventional molecular methods yet the advantage of using this system lies in the point that all the tests can be done simultaneously using just one single colony (Grunberg et al, 1969, p.207).After proper scoring and calculation it can be said accurately that the causal micro-organism is S.aureus. S.aureus is a fairly common bacterium found o skin and in noses of even healthful individuals (CDC, 2014).The severity of the food poisoning developed depends on the amount of food ingested.This bacterium is primarily fan out through food especially when food is handled under unsanitary conditions. Since patient is a growing chela no medical intervention will necessary at this stage. However, rest and intake of large amounts of suave is absolutely essential for proper

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