Friday, May 17, 2019

Heart and Conscience in Mark Twain’s “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” Essay

Mark Twain considered his novel Adventures of huckabackleberry Finn as a book of mine where a sound disembodied spirit and a deformed moral sense condescend into collision and conscience suffers defeat. This claim is valid, as the story showed the title character in several situations wherein he was bothered by his conscience yet he chose to act according to his emotions. Indeed, the book Adventures of huckabackleberry Finn exhibits the triumph of the brass over a conscience.In the book, there are three major instances wherein there was conflict among the stock ticker and the conscience. In these situations, the conflict was caused by the issue of slavery as huck was often constrained to choose between his heart and conscience when it came to matters concerning the black slave Jim.The first instance is found in Chapter XVI, when Huck was disturbed by his conscience about assisting Jim in his escape. Huck was deeply bothered by the fact that while he was not responsible for t he escape itself, he did not do anything to keep it. He was most concerned about Miss Watson, who was Jims owner. Huck is guilty because he permit her slave run away from her when she was nothing but nice to him. In the beginning, it seemed like his conscience has won because he fin all(prenominal)y resolved to disclose Jims whereabouts.However, he changed his mind at the last minute. Jim called Huck his only friend and the only white man who kept his promise. Huck said, I was paddling off, all in a sweat to tell on him but when he says this, it seemed to kind of take the tuck all out of me (Twain). Jims words appealed to Hucks emotions, and the latters olfactory sensationings prevented him from doing what his conscience told him to do. Hence, the heart succeeds over the conscience for the first time.The second instance again finds Huck struggling between telling others about Jim and keeping his escape a secret. The conflict between the heart and conscience continues in Chapter X VI as Huck encounters a boat with two men in search of escaped slaves. The men asked Huck if the man he was with was white or black.Huck clearly wanted to expose Jim as his conscience intended him to do, but he ended up lying to hide the slave. After the men left, Huck mused spose youd a done decently and give Jim up, would you feel better than what you do now? No, says I, Id feel bad (Twain). In the end, it became obvious that Hucks determination was a result of his feelings. He did not choose to do the right thing because he would feel bad about it. Again, the heart prevails over the conscience.The third and last instance in Chapter XXXI prove to be the most significant, as Huck finally gave up listening to his conscience and resolved to company his heart. Because he had been bothered by conscience for awhile, Huck decided to do what he concept was right and write a letter telling Miss Watson of Jims whereabouts.After he wrote the letter, Huck thought of Jims kindness towards him. As he held the paper, Huck said I was a-trembling, because Id got to decide, forever, among two things, and I knowed it (Twain). In the end, Huck tore up the letter and even considered liberating Jim from slavery in the future. Huck said, All right, then, Ill GO to hell (Twain). The conscience dictates that it was a sin to keep a slave away from its owner. However, Huck preferred to sin and go to hell rather than betray his friend. Thus, the heart finally wins over the conscience.In Mark Twains Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, there exists the conflict between the heart and the conscience. In three instances in the story, the title character disregards his conscience by letting his emotions influence his decisions. In the end, the heart is victorious over the conscience as Huck chose the former to dictate his actions.Work CitedTwain, Mark. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The publications Network Web Site. 1885. Jalic, Inc. 6 April 2009

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