Friday, December 6, 2019

Work Controlling Organization and Operationsâ€

Question: Discuss About The Work Controlling Organization And Operations? Answer: Introducation Contemporary management involves planning, organizing, leading and controlling organization operations to achieve team objectives. Personnel supervision enables a firm to achieve success. Therefore, managers at every level of the management have a responsibility of utilizing resources in an efficient manner (Drafke and Murtaugh 2009). However, challenge arising in the process of the directorate include; contentious issues, innovation, and creativity managing diverse workforce and reputation of the organization. Transformational leadership theory The theory states that a leader works with subordinates staff to identify and create change through executing and inspiring the members of the team (Northouse 2012). Transformational leadership theory enhances morale; motivation and performance of the team. Four component of the transformational theory Consideration of individual: the leader attends to each according to the degree of need and concern; the head acts as a guide because they care and stimulate their followers. Stimulation of intellectual: it refers the way a leader takes risk and challenges assumptions. Motivation: inspiration and motivation relate to the way a leader brings together the vision that is inspiring and appealing to the team members. Influencing: a leader should provide a role that depicts moral and ethical behaviors, trust and respect. The transformational theory does not depend on the bureaucracy but presence of the leader. Thus, the model motivates the junior members (Nohria and Khurana 2013). For instance, where a manager raises an issue at hand and inspires and motivates the team members to succeed. Leadership theory of contingency The theory suggests that a leadership skill of a leader varies according to the situations. Hence, the leaders may not automatically be a leader in other conditions. Thus, according to the contingency theory, no single psychological trait links directly to effective leadership (Hill, Jones and Schilling 2014). The theory states that the effective leaders are those with personal attributes relating to the situation they find. The best leaders know how to adapt to different styles of leadership when situation are different. Effective leadership depends on the situation and interaction between behaviors of the leaders. Even though the contingency remains popular, there is criticism regarding the theory. Firstly, the theory does not account how the leadership style change. Secondly, there is no explanation on how managers can modify the style depending on the situation. Thirdly, the theory does not explain the processes behind varying of leadership styles like a position of the leaders or organization. Organization structure Organizational structures explain the directions of activities such as coordination and supervision and task allocation to achieve organizational objectives. For the organization to have a competitive advantage, it should be flexible, efficient and innovative. Functional structure The functional structure comprises a grouping of the each section of the organization according to the purpose. Therefore, the functional structure works effectively in a small company because each part relies on the knowledge and talent of its employee. There is set back in the functional structure because of the restriction in the communication and coordination. Advantages Functional enables specialization of its members which cause a high level of production at a minimal cost. There is scope for training which helps in bringing the flexibility in the organization. Functional allow expansion of the enterprise without loss of efficiency. Additionally, functional structure comprise division of work and high expertise knowledge Disadvantages Lack of co-ordination due to the absence of the unit of command occurs in the functional structure. Structure brings difficulties in the fixing of responsibility since there is no unit of power. Indiscipline arises in employee due to many managers which lower the employees morale. The structure is uneconomical because it increases overhead expenses. The absence of the initiative; employee always gets technical knowledge which makes workers unable to solve a complicated situation. Divisional structure Big companies operate on the divisional structure because they cover a broad geographical location (Mullins and Christy 2013). The large corporations can have smaller organization separate so that they cover a wide market share and variety of the products. The importance of the structure is that needs of the customers are met in a different location and conveniently. However, the communication is the problem because of the employee working on the different locality. Advantages The measurement of performance of each division is easy because of a broad delegation of authority. The sales and profits of an individual sector are accountable to a particular manager who will increase the employee morale, and division manager performs well. The divisional structure enables specialization in a given market segment. Coordination of the units activities is more efficient and effective in responding to the changes and adapting to the local market. There are unhealthy competencies due to the distribution of expertise and technical competence among the divisions. Structure increases the operational cost due to employing of qualified managers and functional specialist in each department. Duplication of the efforts and resources: emphasis on the divisional rather than organizational objective. Matrix organization structure The structure is the hybrid of the functional and divisional structure. Large multinational companies use model structure. However, there will be dual management which creates the struggle in power in most businesses (Takahara and Mesarovic 2012. The struggles will arise due to the division and functional managers working on the same level of the management. Exchange of the information is efficient since the department communicates and works in close collaboration with each other. There are quick decision making and high production due to an active channel of the communication. The structure of the matrix inspires the freestyle of leadership which incorporates the teams input before the decision of managers. The team decision increase the employees Morales and motivation Disadvantages Some employees get confusion regarding their managers which further cause internal conflict. There is division among the managers and staff due to communication problem and dual authority. The company can experience high employee turnover due to the employee dissatisfaction and low morale. There is an increase in the overhead cost as result of the double management. Finally, competition for the employee within the organization can cause hostility in the company which hinders efficient production. Strategic management Strategic management is a process of formulating and implementing primary business goals considering the available resources, assessment of the external and internal environment (Slack 2015). Strategic management gives a clear direction and specifies the organization goals and developing plans and policies to achieve organization goals. Alpha health care manufacturer Strategic objectives are goals that are crucial to the future and current operation of the business. The team can prioritize the target by conducting SWOT analysis. Alpha health care manufacturer specializes in the production of the pharmaceutical product. Strategic objectives of Alpha health care Increasing market share Alpha will have a marketing plan which will address the analysis of competitor, target market research, defining of the products and strategically placing, promoting and pricing the companys products. Productivity Alpha health will adjust the business process to increase customer satisfaction which will also increase return on investment. The company plans to makes the product reaches to a client faster as result of reducing production time and waste (Vandeever and Menefee 2010). Providing the right product and at the right time will increase customers satisfaction and loyalty. Innovation The alpha health plan is to be creative and innovative to stay in business because of the competition. Placing resource into the development and research benefits the company due to the provision of the different and new drug into the marketplace. References Drafke, M and Murtaugh, J. (2009). The Human side of organisations. 10th ed. prentice hall. Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A. (2014). Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Mullins L J and Christy G. (2013). Management Organisational behaviour. 10th ed. prentice hall. Nohria, N. and Khurana, R. eds. (2013). Handbook of leadership theory and practice: An HBS centennial colloquium on advancing leadership. Harvard Business Press. Northouse, P.G. (2012). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage. Slack, N. (2015). Operations strategy. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Takahara, Y. and Mesarovic, M. (2012). Organization structure: cybernetic systems foundation (Vol. 22). Springer Science Business Media. Vandeever R and Menefee M. (2010). Human Behaviour in organisations. 4th ed. prentice hall.

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