Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Why The Pyramids Were Built By Pure Man Power With...

As we may know, there is much speculation as to how and why the pyramids were built. There is very little known about these giant megaliths due to inconsistencies in the documentation, or a lack of documentation altogether. It has been understood for many years that the pyramids were built as tombs for great pharaohs, but how were such large limestone structures built by pure man-power with pinpoint accuracy? Is there a greater meaning behind the locations of these massive formations? We have been taught from a young age that the pyramids were built as tombs for great pharaohs. The sun god Ra is believed to be represented in the pyramid shape, due to the fact that all pharaohs were descendants of the gods. Ra, the Egyptian sun god, was considered the father of all pharaohs and is said to have created himself from a â€Å"pyramid-shaped mound of earth before creating all other gods† (Redford). The pyramid shape represents the sun rays for Ra. According to professor Donald Redford, the Egyptians chose the pyramid shape for their pharaoh’s tombs because of their solar region. The Egyptians believed that the shape symbolized the sun’s rays and honored the sun god. Another theory on the shape of the pyramids is that the top of the pyramid pointed to the heavens, the ultimate destination of the deceased pharaoh The Egyptians had many complex ideals about death and the after-life. The pyramid walls were lined with spells to help join the king with Ra in the after-life, and the tombsShow MoreRelated The Mystery of the Pyramids Essay example5058 Words   |  21 PagesWhy ask why the Great Pyramid was built? Because it is the most massive building on the planet, at least twice the volume and thirty times the mass of the Empire State Building. Because it is aligned to the true cardinal points of the compass even though no compass is known to have existed at its time of construction. 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We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material: Tables Table 14.1 adapted from ‘Why change programs don t produce change’, Harvard Business Review, November to December (Beer et al; 1990) In some instances we have been unable to trace the owners of copyright material, and we would appreciate any information that would enable us to

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