Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Why The Pyramids Were Built By Pure Man Power With...

As we may know, there is much speculation as to how and why the pyramids were built. There is very little known about these giant megaliths due to inconsistencies in the documentation, or a lack of documentation altogether. It has been understood for many years that the pyramids were built as tombs for great pharaohs, but how were such large limestone structures built by pure man-power with pinpoint accuracy? Is there a greater meaning behind the locations of these massive formations? We have been taught from a young age that the pyramids were built as tombs for great pharaohs. The sun god Ra is believed to be represented in the pyramid shape, due to the fact that all pharaohs were descendants of the gods. Ra, the Egyptian sun god, was considered the father of all pharaohs and is said to have created himself from a â€Å"pyramid-shaped mound of earth before creating all other gods† (Redford). The pyramid shape represents the sun rays for Ra. According to professor Donald Redford, the Egyptians chose the pyramid shape for their pharaoh’s tombs because of their solar region. The Egyptians believed that the shape symbolized the sun’s rays and honored the sun god. Another theory on the shape of the pyramids is that the top of the pyramid pointed to the heavens, the ultimate destination of the deceased pharaoh The Egyptians had many complex ideals about death and the after-life. The pyramid walls were lined with spells to help join the king with Ra in the after-life, and the tombsShow MoreRelated The Mystery of the Pyramids Essay example5058 Words   |  21 PagesWhy ask why the Great Pyramid was built? Because it is the most massive building on the planet, at least twice the volume and thirty times the mass of the Empire State Building. Because it is aligned to the true cardinal points of the compass even though no compass is known to have existed at its time of construction. 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The fundamental set of assumptions, values, and ways of doing things, that has been accepted by most of a company’s membersRead MoreMarketing Management 14th Edition Test Bank Kotler Test Bank173911 Words   |  696 Pagestheir offerings carefully because these markets usually have limited purchasing power. A) business market B) global market C) nonprofit market D) consumer market E) exclusive market Answer: C Page Ref: 9 Objective: 2 Difficulty: Easy 19) Which of the following is true of business markets? A) Buyers are usually not skilled at comparing competitive product offerings. B) Buyers have limited purchasing power. 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INTRODUCTORY PRINCIPLES †¢ Definitions o Corporate Law: The allocation of rights and power within a corporation; the internal body of law ââ€" ª Addresses the creation of economic wealth through the facilitation of voluntary, ongoing collective action ââ€" ª Flexible- expectation that market discipline will weed out whatRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words   |  960 PagesConnectivity 88 89 Electronic Data Interchange and Electronic Commerce 89 Marketing 89 The Telecommunications Industry 90 Review Questions 92 †¢ Discussion Questions 92 †¢ Bibliography 93 Chapter 4 The Data Resource 95 Why Manage Data? 96 Technical Aspects of Managing the Data Resource The Data Model and Metadata Data Modeling 98 Database Programming 100 97 97 Contents Managerial Issues in Managing Data Principles in Managing Data 101 101 TheRead MoreCase Study148348 Words   |  594 Pagesreproduce copyright material: Johnson Gerry, Whittington Richard, Scholes Kevan - Exploring Strategy Instructors Manual on the Web... We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material: Tables Table 14.1 adapted from ‘Why change programs don t produce change’, Harvard Business Review, November to December (Beer et al; 1990) In some instances we have been unable to trace the owners of copyright material, and we would appreciate any information that would enable us to

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis Of Shakespeare s Macbeth - 1331 Words

Talin Davdian Vsevolo Krawczenuik Theatre Art 101 17 July 2015 Critical Paper The play of Macbeth is written between 1599 and 1606 by William Shakespeare, who is a playwright, actor, English poet and greatest English literature. The full title of Macbeth is The Tragedy of Macbeth, which it considered one of his darkest and most powerful works. The play, set in Scotland. In this play, William Shakespeare uses various themes that represent to the social and political life. This story is about the Scotland king, Duncan, who is a kind and fearful man. The king has two children Malcolm and Donalbain. King Duncan was murdered by Macbeth, also the murderers killed Banquo, Macduff’s family, so he can be a king. However, Banquo’s son,†¦show more content†¦Lady Macbeth talked with Macbeth and convinced him to overcome his fear and guilt so that they can reach their goal and have the crown to be a king and queen. However, later lady Macbeth gets crazy by seeing and smelling a blood on her hand that cause her to do a suicide and leave Macbe th alone. The ambition of Macbeth turns into a dark, evil and ugly. Macbeth s ambition grows by lady Macbeth’s encouragement and witches predictions, which the three witches predict Macbeth will be a king of Scotland. The witches were evil because they want to ruin Macbeth s life and they told him a trick. In the Macbeths play, Banquo had an ambition too, but he controlled his ambition and become a good character because he stays loyal, knowledgeable and intelligent, unlike Macbeth who cannot. The evil is growing and winning because the witches made Macbeth unstoppable and guilty man. The three witches knew that Macbeth gets confused easily and he will listen to people who say good stuff about him by becoming a powerful, so by knowing his weakness the three evil witches said â€Å"as by the strength of their illusion shall draw him to his confusion†(Act III, Scene VI, 28-29). Therefore, they make his ambition and destroying his life. Finally, the appearance and reality is an important theme in this play. The meaning of the appearance versus reality is that people judge others how the person is

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Organizational Controls Free Essays

The Lincoln Company follows a decentralized approach to management. The decentralized approach is when employees participate in setting goals, determining standards of performance, governing quality, and designing control systems. The decision making is not confined to top executives but throughout the organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational Controls or any similar topic only for you Order Now The lowest level managers and employees are empowered to make decisions. The employees have added responsibility and they are involved in decision making which results in increased job satisfaction. The responsibility and the authority that goes with it make the job more interesting and provide greater incentive for people to put out their best efforts. The employees of Lincoln Electric Company tasks are precisely defined, and individual employees must exceed strict performance goals to achieve top pay. The Lincoln employee’s organization culture is based on trust, shared control, and an egalitarian spirit. The Lincoln Company has an open door policy. The company has cross functional teams and they are empowered to make decisions, take responsibility for product planning, developing, and marketing. The company openly shares information with the workers throughout the organization about the company’s operations and finances. The Lincoln system was so successful in the United States mainly because of a diverse control approach. Within this company the organizational culture is based on openness, trust, and shared control. As opposed to the hierarchical approach which involves monitoring and influencing employee behavior through extensive use of rules, policies, and written documentation, and the employees communicate with their immediate superior and with their immediate subordinates. The Lincoln Company use of this system gained trust with the workers. The employees can purchase stock, and they owned more than 60% of the stock. The incentive and control system was powerful with incentives that the company offered to employees. This included a no lay off policy, the employees are eligible for annual bonuses, the production workers are paid on a piece rate basis, plus merit pay based on performance. The company had an open door policy and the workers can openly disagree with the manager about pay and other issues. The problem with transporting Lincoln’s control systems to other national cultures because managers in some other countries have more trouble running an open book company because of prevailing attitudes and standards encourage confidentiality and even secrecy concerning financial results. The executives when deciding to expand to different countries may have just concentrated on technology, products, marketing, and control systems, but failed to recognize that the culture of countries may have widely different beliefs, values, and practices. These differences can create stress and anxiety for employees, and these negative emotions affect future performance. Cultural differences should be evaluated during the acquisition process, and Organization Development can be used to smooth the integration of this company to another country. Another helpful tool to make future international manufacturing plants more successful that is being used more often is total quality management. It is a way to implement the decentralized approach to another county. Total quality management uses quality circles and benchmarking as ways to introduce this approach to employees. The organization development will help the company with a culture change which is a major shift in the norms, values, attitudes, and mind set of an organization. It focuses on the human and social aspects of the organization and works to change attitudes and relationships among employees and helps strengthen the organization’s capacity for adaption and renewal. Lincoln Company should not borrow money and pay bonuses to the United States Workers. I think employees would rather have a job, than the company going bankrupt. How to cite Organizational Controls, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Work Controlling Organization and Operationsâ€Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss About The Work Controlling Organization And Operations? Answer: Introducation Contemporary management involves planning, organizing, leading and controlling organization operations to achieve team objectives. Personnel supervision enables a firm to achieve success. Therefore, managers at every level of the management have a responsibility of utilizing resources in an efficient manner (Drafke and Murtaugh 2009). However, challenge arising in the process of the directorate include; contentious issues, innovation, and creativity managing diverse workforce and reputation of the organization. Transformational leadership theory The theory states that a leader works with subordinates staff to identify and create change through executing and inspiring the members of the team (Northouse 2012). Transformational leadership theory enhances morale; motivation and performance of the team. Four component of the transformational theory Consideration of individual: the leader attends to each according to the degree of need and concern; the head acts as a guide because they care and stimulate their followers. Stimulation of intellectual: it refers the way a leader takes risk and challenges assumptions. Motivation: inspiration and motivation relate to the way a leader brings together the vision that is inspiring and appealing to the team members. Influencing: a leader should provide a role that depicts moral and ethical behaviors, trust and respect. The transformational theory does not depend on the bureaucracy but presence of the leader. Thus, the model motivates the junior members (Nohria and Khurana 2013). For instance, where a manager raises an issue at hand and inspires and motivates the team members to succeed. Leadership theory of contingency The theory suggests that a leadership skill of a leader varies according to the situations. Hence, the leaders may not automatically be a leader in other conditions. Thus, according to the contingency theory, no single psychological trait links directly to effective leadership (Hill, Jones and Schilling 2014). The theory states that the effective leaders are those with personal attributes relating to the situation they find. The best leaders know how to adapt to different styles of leadership when situation are different. Effective leadership depends on the situation and interaction between behaviors of the leaders. Even though the contingency remains popular, there is criticism regarding the theory. Firstly, the theory does not account how the leadership style change. Secondly, there is no explanation on how managers can modify the style depending on the situation. Thirdly, the theory does not explain the processes behind varying of leadership styles like a position of the leaders or organization. Organization structure Organizational structures explain the directions of activities such as coordination and supervision and task allocation to achieve organizational objectives. For the organization to have a competitive advantage, it should be flexible, efficient and innovative. Functional structure The functional structure comprises a grouping of the each section of the organization according to the purpose. Therefore, the functional structure works effectively in a small company because each part relies on the knowledge and talent of its employee. There is set back in the functional structure because of the restriction in the communication and coordination. Advantages Functional enables specialization of its members which cause a high level of production at a minimal cost. There is scope for training which helps in bringing the flexibility in the organization. Functional allow expansion of the enterprise without loss of efficiency. Additionally, functional structure comprise division of work and high expertise knowledge Disadvantages Lack of co-ordination due to the absence of the unit of command occurs in the functional structure. Structure brings difficulties in the fixing of responsibility since there is no unit of power. Indiscipline arises in employee due to many managers which lower the employees morale. The structure is uneconomical because it increases overhead expenses. The absence of the initiative; employee always gets technical knowledge which makes workers unable to solve a complicated situation. Divisional structure Big companies operate on the divisional structure because they cover a broad geographical location (Mullins and Christy 2013). The large corporations can have smaller organization separate so that they cover a wide market share and variety of the products. The importance of the structure is that needs of the customers are met in a different location and conveniently. However, the communication is the problem because of the employee working on the different locality. Advantages The measurement of performance of each division is easy because of a broad delegation of authority. The sales and profits of an individual sector are accountable to a particular manager who will increase the employee morale, and division manager performs well. The divisional structure enables specialization in a given market segment. Coordination of the units activities is more efficient and effective in responding to the changes and adapting to the local market. There are unhealthy competencies due to the distribution of expertise and technical competence among the divisions. Structure increases the operational cost due to employing of qualified managers and functional specialist in each department. Duplication of the efforts and resources: emphasis on the divisional rather than organizational objective. Matrix organization structure The structure is the hybrid of the functional and divisional structure. Large multinational companies use model structure. However, there will be dual management which creates the struggle in power in most businesses (Takahara and Mesarovic 2012. The struggles will arise due to the division and functional managers working on the same level of the management. Exchange of the information is efficient since the department communicates and works in close collaboration with each other. There are quick decision making and high production due to an active channel of the communication. The structure of the matrix inspires the freestyle of leadership which incorporates the teams input before the decision of managers. The team decision increase the employees Morales and motivation Disadvantages Some employees get confusion regarding their managers which further cause internal conflict. There is division among the managers and staff due to communication problem and dual authority. The company can experience high employee turnover due to the employee dissatisfaction and low morale. There is an increase in the overhead cost as result of the double management. Finally, competition for the employee within the organization can cause hostility in the company which hinders efficient production. Strategic management Strategic management is a process of formulating and implementing primary business goals considering the available resources, assessment of the external and internal environment (Slack 2015). Strategic management gives a clear direction and specifies the organization goals and developing plans and policies to achieve organization goals. Alpha health care manufacturer Strategic objectives are goals that are crucial to the future and current operation of the business. The team can prioritize the target by conducting SWOT analysis. Alpha health care manufacturer specializes in the production of the pharmaceutical product. Strategic objectives of Alpha health care Increasing market share Alpha will have a marketing plan which will address the analysis of competitor, target market research, defining of the products and strategically placing, promoting and pricing the companys products. Productivity Alpha health will adjust the business process to increase customer satisfaction which will also increase return on investment. The company plans to makes the product reaches to a client faster as result of reducing production time and waste (Vandeever and Menefee 2010). Providing the right product and at the right time will increase customers satisfaction and loyalty. Innovation The alpha health plan is to be creative and innovative to stay in business because of the competition. Placing resource into the development and research benefits the company due to the provision of the different and new drug into the marketplace. References Drafke, M and Murtaugh, J. (2009). The Human side of organisations. 10th ed. prentice hall. Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A. (2014). Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Mullins L J and Christy G. (2013). Management Organisational behaviour. 10th ed. prentice hall. Nohria, N. and Khurana, R. eds. (2013). Handbook of leadership theory and practice: An HBS centennial colloquium on advancing leadership. Harvard Business Press. Northouse, P.G. (2012). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage. Slack, N. (2015). Operations strategy. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Takahara, Y. and Mesarovic, M. (2012). Organization structure: cybernetic systems foundation (Vol. 22). Springer Science Business Media. Vandeever R and Menefee M. (2010). Human Behaviour in organisations. 4th ed. prentice hall.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Competitive Advantage of Firms Easy Jet Case Study

Easy Jet began its operation in November 1995 with two leased aircrafts and a staff composed of teenagers serving as reservation agents under the leadership of its founder; Stelios. Stelios grew the airline by factoring in on low labor costs, and low airport fees, by choosing the cheaper Luton Airport instead of the major international airports like Gatwick and Heathrow.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Competitive Advantage of Firms: Easy Jet specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Easy Jet’s first flight from London to Glasgow was the major breakthrough the company needed; offering a low fare of twenty nine pounds, it propelled Easy Jet to market leadership position. This paper analyses the strategies Easy Jet employed to gain a competitive advantage in the airline market. Competitive Advantage Strategies of Easy Jet Easy Jet’s competitive advantage is the strategic advantage that one it had and stil l has over its competitors, that enables it to generate greater sales and retain more customers than its rivals. This airline factored mainly on costs, services and brand awareness, to gain a competitive advantage. Competing on costs Easy jet has a culture of minimizing costs as it offers low fares to its passengers. This culture began at its inception when Stelios initiated its operation with a low capital of five million pounds; with which he leased two aircrafts, a staff comprising of teenagers, and a low labor-low fees airport. This culture still continues as the airline seeks to minimize costs wherever possible, for example; they save fourteen pounds per passenger by not offering meal services, they save ten pounds per passenger by flying into London’s Luton airport instead of the international Gatwick airport, and they also save cost by not offering business class seating. Apart from minimizing costs, Easy Jet also seeks out other sources of revenue like the internet sa les, which accounts for nearly fifteen percent of their annual revenues. They encourage internet sales through offering discounted fares to customers who purchase their tickets over the internet. The internet sales also help them reduce cost that they might incur in hiring additional reserve agents. This also helps them avoid unnecessary cost like computer reservation system, which would probably add twenty five percent to their overall operating costs.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Competing On Service In making their service outstanding, Stelio has become a down to earth person to the point of even working on the phone line and selling tickets himself. He also reads and gives a reply to many of the emails he receives from his customers, instruct his employees to dress casually, and encourage them to have an open-plan office just like himself. He ensures flexibility in booking, through internet ticket purchase or through calling the reserve agents through a given local number. Creating brand awareness Easy Jet spends nearly ten percent of its revenue on newspaper, radio and magazine advertising with an effort to create a name for them. This has resulted into market differentiation and increased sales. A poll in 1998 indicated that Easy Jet brand had eighty-eight percent recognition in London and eighty-two percent in Geneva. Challenges Easy Jet has faced stiff competition from Ryan air, Go, Virgin Express, Buzz, and has struggled with the option of whether to go public or remain private. It has also had a history of using sub contractors, and outsourcing of key functions which has created problems like; mishandling of customers by the contracted ground handlers. But despite these challenges, the founder; Stelio, has well strategized on cost, competition, service, and brand advantages to maintain a firm grip in the market, and this is what has m ade Easy Jet achieve a competitive advantage in the market. This assessment on Competitive Advantage of Firms: Easy Jet was written and submitted by user Jesse Delaney to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Structure of the Earth Essays

The Structure of the Earth Essays The Structure of the Earth Paper The Structure of the Earth Paper The structure of the earth The earth has three major parts-the land part or lithosphere, the water part or hydrosphere and the air part or atmostpere. The lithosphere is the surface on which you live . It is also the earth solid sphere consisting mainly of massive rocks. The massive rocks form large land masses called continent and small island groups . Different land form such as mountains,hills,valleys,plateaus and plains make up the lithosphere. The hydrosphere include all water forms such as oceans,seas,rivers,lakes,and groundwater found beneath the earth. Geologists or scientists who specialize on the history and composition of earth study carefully these two major parts of the earth. They study the different layers of the earth and what each layer is made of. You see only the surface of the earth – the oceans, seas, rivers, rocks, and soil. They cover the earth just like the thick peeling of the pomelo or orange fruit. When you cut open the pomelo, you see layers of pulp inside it. If the earth were cut open, you will see that it is made of three layers. They are the crust, matle and the core. The topmost layer of the earth is the crust which is made of solid rock. It is thicker under the continents; approximately between 11 to 35 kilometres. But under the oceans, it can be 5 to 12 kilometres thick only. At the lower boundary of the crust is the mohorovicic discontinuity or moho; naned after its discover Yugoslav geologist Andrija Mohorovicic. The moho separates the crust from the next layer beneath it – the mantle. The mantle is about 2,900 kilometres in depth or thickness. Just like the crust, it is also made of solid rocks. But because of extreme heat and pressure, some of these rocks may even flow very, very slowly. The core is the innermost part of the earth which is about 3,400 kilometres in thickness. It is divided further into two; the outer core which behaves like a liquid and the inner core which believesto be solid. The core is mostly iron with lesser amounts of nickel and silicon. Crustal rocks that are parts of the earth’s crust are of two types –granate and basalt. Most of the rocks under oceans basins is basalt which is similar to the rocks at the upper mantle. Beneath the continents, the crust is made up mostly of granity. Granite is ligther than basalt; so continents float high on the heavier mantle. Remember the science facts; 1. the earth has three layers ; The crust. The mantle. The core. 2. crustal rocks which are part of the earth’s crust are basalt and granate. Project In Science Submitted by; Glenn van barrida Submitted to;Juliet o. de luna Forces that change the earth’s surface The earth surface has been constantly changing sincethe world began. Some change maybe slow that you hardly can notice it. But over amillions of years, mountains rise worn down. What forces can change the earth’s suface? There are two kind of forces that are at work to constantly change the earth’s surface. They tectonic forces and gradational forces. Gradational forces are caused by wind, ice, moving or flowing water and other living organisms. Weathering cause rocks to be broken down into pieces or fragment. Erocion carries away or thransport these eroded rocks into the rivers and oceans as sediments. Seas creep in over the land and rise making new land. Glaciers roll down the mountains and from valleys. Erosion and weathering are grandational forces; they come from outside or beyond the earth. Tictonic forces come fron inside the earth. There are two groups of tictonic forces-diastropism and volcanism. Diatropism refers to all movements of the solid part of the earth sa in earthquakes. Volcanism or volcanic eruptions make landforms when lava hardens. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions cause sudden changes on the earth surface. They may bring about the rise or the fall of surface rocks. Remember the science fact; 1. or Gradational and tictonic forces bring about changes on the earth’s surface. 2. Erosion and weathering are gradational forces. They bring about slow changes on the eath’s surface. 3. Diastropism and volcanism are tictonic forces. They bring about sudden rapid changes.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Memo about ap stylebook Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Memo about ap stylebook - Essay Example For example, all distances should be in figures, using ‘5 miles is better than using five miles. Making this change will make the sentence more appealing to the reader unlike when it is in words. There are some words that are treated as two words, yet they seem better when they are written as one. ‘Under way’ appears better and has a good meaning when it is written as one word; ‘underway’. Additionally, using a general term such as ‘partners’ seems to be better and respectable when referring to a married couple. Husbands and wives is provocative and when it is pronounced it sounds as an offence to the one who is saying it and the people who are listening. The terms ‘husbands’ and ‘wives’ should not be used to refer to the same sex couples. The AP Stylebook should consider doing away with the term ‘illegal immigrant’. This is a loaded term and it is the action of migration that is illegal and not the person. The stylebook should instead advice clearly the action of illegal migration, because it is the controversy and not the person that is explained. Homosexuality is another word that brings many debates. The AP Stylebook describes homosexuality as a ‘sexual orientation’. Revising it to a ‘sexual preference’ sounds better because, preference is what someone likes to do while orientation is simply what you are. There is a need to cover social media guidelines in the AP stylebook. With the increase in user generated journalism pieces, the stylebook is supposed to show how they can secure and authenticate photo captions and some video scripts. AP should recognize Skype, Google Hangout, and flash mobs. It is important for them to develop a platform for communication with the people so that they may tell them and answer some questions or any other revisions made to the stylebook. Many people especially traditionalists have disagreed with some controversial changes that have been made in the past. Communicating

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Case Study Example Apart from advising the franchisees about how to promote the outlets in their respective areas and the local market, McFadden can take other steps to encourage the franchisees to promote their outlets like he can provide additional funds for promotions and also can provide some incentives and rewards for those franchisees who perform better in promoting the outlets in the local market. McFadden should analyse the franchisability properly before making any decision. Determining franchisability means to asses that whether the business is worth franchisable that means the entrepreneur must determine that whether the business is profitable or not, whether the business model can be easily copied by the competitor, does the business model can be easily adopted by the competitors, is the business model has any unique feather which is different from the others etc (Shakespeare, 1995, p.90). As the competitors are able to copy the business model of McFadden therefore it is clear that the franchisability was not properly analysed as a result the competitor can imitate it. To control the situation, first of all Just Cuts should restructure the business model in such a way which will be difficult to copy. In response to the imitators, Just Cuts can bring innovation in its services in terms of enhanced quality and customer satisfaction. Some of these things have already been d one by the management of Just Cuts. Apart from this, Just cuts should change their policies regarding the services it offers so that the competitors cannot always imitate the policies. Just Cuts can also go for branding its products so that the customers can distinguish the services from those of the imitators. Good branding will also reduce the anxiety of the franchisees regarding the low cost service providers because branded services always finds its place in the market. Deciding on the franchising fee is an important aspect of franchising. Some franchisees require less funds

Monday, November 18, 2019

In the near future,cities will need to become increasingly energy Essay

In the near future,cities will need to become increasingly energy efficient. Outline at least three strategies for energy efficiency and their advantages for modern cities.Refer to one or more cities - Essay Example It is leading the world by example in energy efficiency despite being the home of one of the best mass rail transit networks, holding dense urban population and a high-tech neon-lit lifestyle. Their wide usage of electric heat pumps (EHP) gives them the ability to maintain low carbon emission profile. Furthermore Tokyo also utilizes water and thermal energy using EHP, which is broadly accessible around Tokyo districts. If things go as planned, Tokyo could possibly be among world’s lowest carbon emitting cities. Tokyo’s energy efficient ways are different and somewhat better than western conventional simulations (Hitoshi & Yoshitaka, 2008. Page; 1). This small essay looks at various methods employed by Tokyo which is one of the most populated cities of the world. And looks more closely at some selected methods those stand out from the rest that Tokyo incorporates to save energy. First one is the reduced consumption of gasoline and reduction in greenhouse gases. The second factor for energy efficiency is Thermal Power production and the last factor in this essay is the Lifestyle of the people of Tokyo. Tokyo is a jam packed city and this is a compliment. The city is well equipped with railway transit system which considerably reduces fuel consumption; people either use public transport, ride a bicycle or simply walk to their work. Preference to buy a house near railway station is significantly high and apartment prices drop if they are located far away from such public facilities. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is well on its way in Tokyo. Moreover the structure of buildings is such that it accommodates more people by occupying less space. Road network throughout Tokyo is dense and is made for the primary purpose of walking. People of Tokyo are accustomed to this style of life which enables them to efficiently use their energy resources (Hitoshi & Yoshitaka, 2008, page; 2). Other factor that contributes to energy efficiency is Tokyo Metropolitan

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Rolls Royces Strategic And Business Management Management Essay

Rolls Royces Strategic And Business Management Management Essay Rolls-Royce is founded in 1906 by Frederick Henry Royce and Charles Stewart Rolls (Pugh, Peter, 2001).Headquartered in London. As a diversified company, Rolls-Royce operates in four global markets namely civil aerospace, defense aerospace, marine and energy-in each of which it is among the worlds top three competitors. The company has manufacturing sites or service centers located in 50 countries around the world. Rolls-Royce produces both commercial and military engines civil and defense aerospace business for a broad customer base, including more than 650 airlines, 4,000 corporate and utility aircraft and helicopter operators, and 160 armed forces around the world. Rolls-Royce also supplies power generation systems to the oil and gas industry and is one of the worlds largest makers of marine propulsion systems. It maintains key operations in North America, Europe, and Asia, with emerging presence in the Middle East (Nancy Daniels, 2001). Rolls-Royces revenue for the year 2009 was  ¿Ã‚ ¡10,414 million, definitely higher than the figure for 2008, which is  ¿Ã‚ ¡9,082 million. In 2009, 44% of Rolls-Royces revenue came from civil aerospace, while defense aerospace, marine and energy each accounted for 20%, 26%, 10% (Rolls-Royce, 2009). 2. Analysis of the Current Business Environment Affecting the Industry 2.1 Macro-Environmental Analysis The PESTLE analysis (appendix A) details the main macro-environmental trends affecting the aviation industry. Of these, the economic crisis is the most pressing current issue but in the longer term, technological advancements remain central to the industrys progression. More international cultural exchange will accelerate the development of aviation industry, and the growth in developing countries needs more energy and a range of products serviced by Rolls-Royce. 2.2 Micro-Environmental Analysis Porters Five Forces analysis (appendix B) indicates that the threat of substitution in the aviation industry is fairly low. Limited to the technologies and standards, the airline company can only get the suitable parts from the original corporation which supplied the products. Threat of entry is quite low because the aviation industry needs the latest scientific and technological achievements and long-term technology accumulation as well as a lot of money and human resources, so the potential competitors are hard to entry. Suppliers are hard to influence the aviation industry, for the reason that big corporations such as General Electric (GE) and Rolls-Royce possess the key technologies, while the suppliers are so many that can be easily replaced. The power of buyers has increased somewhat due to ease of switching, transparency of costs. But they dont have many choices but only three. Overall, competitive rivalry within the aviation industry is very high due to the presence of General Electric (GE) and Pratt Whitney (PW), rapid technological change and intense products and services competition. 2.3 Main Opportunities and Threats The main opportunity is the increasing business in the jet aircraft market and growing aerospace and defense market as well as Rolls-Royces Strategic alliances and investments. The most prominent threat currently faced by the industry is the economic crisis. Based on a survey of randomly selected flight departments about their expected use and purchase plans over the next five years, market forecasters believe Europe will remain a major source of demand for business aircraft, and orders will reach record levels in the next five years. While most of Europe entered recession about a year later than the America, European orders are expected to recover once economic growth resumes (Ian Goold, 2010). The challenge of climate change will present a range of exciting opportunities for Rolls-Royce. Many customers will potentially consider investing in new technology earlier in order to minimize emissions. Equally there is likely to be a lot of interest in future low carbon technologies as well as alternative energy sources (Rolls-Royce, 2009). And as manufacturing employment has declined in Britain, there has been less reason for the best and brightest to study the subjects that manufacturing demands. Rolls-Royce executives say that the pool of experienced engineers, process managers and skilled workers from which the company can recruit is shrinking (The Economist, 2009). Any company engaged in global business should be aware of the risks of currency fluctuations. In such an economic environment, the exchange rate fluctuations can affect Rolls-Royces earnings and value. They are fully exposed to what is known as an exchange risk. 3. Analysis of Rolls-Royces Strategic Capabilities 3.1 How the various market trends have affected Rolls-Royce plc And after 1987 the various market trends are as following: Rolls-Royce was rescued by being nationalised by a Conservative government when the firm reached its nadir in 1971. Margaret Thatcher privatised it in 1987, when Rolls-Royces engines were then used by only a handful of airlines. There was a trend that the engine market would be dominated by GE and Pratt Whitney. After that, the core of the firms strategy had been to increase the number of its engines powering the worlds civil jets. There was a trend that defence spending would be reduced after 1987, which was the edge of the end of cold war. Growth in civil business was doubly important because Rolls-Royce was badly hit by the fall of the Soviet Union-at which time defence accounted for 60% of its revenues (The Economist, 2005). Government began to reduce defence spending, thus Rolls-Royce got less orders from the military. Worse for the firm, British Airways, which was Rolls-Royces old customer, equipped its new Boeing 777 wide-body planes with GE engines (The Economist, 2005). From then on, Rolls-Royce tried its best to get its engines on the wings of big airlines around the world. The British government used to be Rolls-Royces biggest customer, buying its jet engines for Royal Air Force planes and its nuclear power plants for Royal Navy submarines. But nowadays America (the biggest defense market by far) is its biggest defense customer, using its jet engines on todays jump-jet aircraft and planning to do so on the Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter, which promises to be the subject of the biggest contract in military history (The Economist, 2005). Nowadays America and British are facing the threat of international terrorist organizations, so the market is still promising. With the development of the worlds emerging economies, the world needs ever more tankers to transport oil and gas over long distances, and demand is growing for economical but high-power marine gas turbines to drive them, in place of the diesel-electric hybrid motors that have dominated until now. 3.2 Rolls-Royces development strategies According to these various market trends, Rolls-Royce increased the number of its engines to civil jet, and bought copper in order to push oil and gas along pipelines. In order to expand American market share, Rolls-Royce bought Allison. With over 80 per cent  of global commercial shipbuilding taking place in Asia, Rolls-Royce recently relocated its global headquarters for the Marine business to Singapore, bringing the Group closer to the customer base. The company had already placed its Global Headquarters for Marine Services and the regional headquarters for the Commercial Marine business covering Asia, the Middle East, India and Australia in Singapore. The operations also house one of Rolls-Royces global repairs and overhaul service centers. Rolls-Royce stands out as well for being the only company to offer an expanded OEM warranty (Rolls-Royce, 2009). As the expansion of the new markets and the use of new engine, Rolls-Royce has sold more services together with their products. Ansoff: product/ market matrix Product Current new Current penetration product development Market New market development diversification The theory of the Ansoffs: Product penetration refers to current product for current market. Aircraft engines Automation and control equipment Diesel and gas turbine engines Electric propulsion systems Engine support services Fuel cells Generators Offshore drilling equipment Overhaul and repair services Technical publications Training (Hoovers, Inc., 2009) Product development -it means new product for current market. Diesel and gas turbine engines; providing a better service Market development it means current product for new market. Marine motors ¼Ã…’Fuel cells ¼Ã…’Engine support services; Expanding American market share Diversification-It means new products for new market. Such as jet engines 3.3 How the main competitive advantage have been built up Competitive advantage refers to condition which enables a company to operate in a more efficient or otherwise higher-quality manner than the companies it competes with, and which results in benefits accruing to that company. After 1987 Rolls-Royce focused on four sectors which are civil, military, and marine as well as energy, and the firm continued its expenditure on investment and RD, it provides new products and new technologies. Rolls-Royces competitive advantage mainly focuses on core markets and core technology. We can see that, for the past decades years, the core strategy of the company has been to focuses on the four chosen markets namely civil aerospace, defense aerospace, marine and energy, now each of them are the top three in the world. Meanwhile, Rolls-Royce has increased the number of its engines powering the worlds civil jets, and the whole firm mainly makes all kind of engines, which accounts the majority of their revenue.   3.4 Evaluate the companys use of acquisitions Acquisitions means acquiring control of a corporation, called a target, by stock purchase or exchange, either hostile or friendly, also called takeover. After 1987 Rolls-Royce had several acquisitions as a method of strategic growth as following: (1) In 1996 Rolls-Royce bought Allison, its an American maker of small jet engines, mostly for corporate jets. This gave Rolls-Royce a significant presence in America-essential for any firm seeking to increase sales to the Pentagon (The Economist, 2005). From then on, American gradually  replaced Britain as Rolls-Royces largest market.   (2) In 1999 the company bought Vickers, a struggling arms-and-marine business. This acquisition took Rolls-Royce into the business of marine propulsion systems for warships. (3)In the same year Rolls-Royce bought Coopers, another specialist company, as the short cut in compressors with gas turbines in order to push oil and gas, which was very good for Rolls-Royces energy business. 3.5 Main Strengths and Weaknesses Rolls-Royces main weakness is they have to employ a lot of employee, which is very common in the manufacturing industry. It means Rolls-Royce has to pay a lot benefit for the retail employee. And sometimes, the orders may not be implemented well in such a big group corporation. There is another issue that Rolls-Royce has to focus on, that is, the increasing inventory which is caused by the unexpected order or demand. This will increase the companys operating costs. Rolls-Royces main strength is they are a leading integrated power systems company operating in the civil and defense aerospace, marine and energy markets. They have built their golden quality of their band, and they have regular partners and customers, for whom they will provide sustainable products and services. Furthermore, Rolls-Royce is a global corporation, so their business has a diversified geographic spread, which can be a source of guaranteed profit. Also they have a strong and trustful leadership to guarantee the right direction the corporation goes. Evaluation of Rolls-Royces Recent Strategies Rolls-Royces recent strategy is based on five key elements: 4.1 Address four global markets Rolls-Royce should focuses on the four core businesses, civil aerospace, defense aerospace, marine and energy, which are the most four profitable markets to the corporation. And there are still a lot to be done in order to develop the international market. As we know, Europe and the American market accounted for the majority of revenue, thus Asia and African are two emerging markets to emphasize. In some developing countries, Rolls-Royce will benefit from the preferential policies and cheap labor force. 4.2 Invest in technology, infrastructure and capability Rolls-Royce needs to invest more in RD to develop more innovative, environment-friendly products in order for it to keep the possession of advanced technologies and to offer better services. Meanwhile, with the development of the global market, it is necessary to invest more on the infrastructure to offer better services and attract more customers. 4.3 Develop a competitive portfolio of products and services As mentioned above, a competitive portfolio of products and services can consolidate existing markets and explore new markets. 4.4 Grow market share and installed product base Across the group, the installed base of engines in service is expected to generate attractive returns over many years (Rolls-Royce, 2009). 4.5 Add value for the customers through the provision of product-related services. Rolls-Royce should seek to add value for their customers with aftermarket services that will enhance the performance and reliability of their products (Rolls-Royce, 2009). 4.6 Others Manufacturing industry need a lot employee to make products, so Rolls-Royce could move the manufacturing centers to countries with low labor costs, which can greatly cut the cost. 4.7 Key Competitors GE Aviation and Pratt Whitney are Rolls-Royces top competitors. General Electric (GE) enjoys a very strong position in the wide body market, with the CF6 and GE90 engines powering about 40% of aircraft in the class. Pratt Whitney (PW) and Rolls-Royce each have about a 30% market share with the JT9D/PW4000 and the RB211/Trent series, respectively (Aircraft Economics, 2004/2005). To date, the most fuel efficient single-aisle jet engine belongs to Pratt Whitney, a considerably smaller player. The company unveiled its PW1000G geared turbofan in 2008 after a decade of development and promised it would reduce fuel burn by some 12% to 15% compared to todays engines (WSN Staff, 2010). In other business areas, there are some Rolls-Royces competitors not as big as GE and Pratt Whitney, such as SAFRAN, Emerson Electric, GE Honda Aero Engines, Honeywell Aerospace, IHI Corp, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, McDermott, Siemens AG, and Volvo. 5. Evaluation of Rolls-Royces leadership Sir John Rose took over as CEO in 1996. Rolls-Royces CEOs used to have an engineering background until Sir John Rose. He likes the intensely challenging job in Rolls-Royce which has something to do with His adventurous lifestyle, I guess. His leadership is critical to Rolls-Royces success. Rose insisted on continuing to invest substantially in the Trent engine series and it proved to be very important. Under Roses direction, the second largest business of Rolls-Royce, marine propulsion also has fared very well over the past years (Heller, Richard, 2005). Sir John Rose attaches importance to the after-sales business. And it makes sense, because engine services and sales of spare parts to replace worn components make up more than 50 percent of turnover. All in all, Rolls Royces leadership is smart, mature ¼Ã…’dynamic, aggressive and trustworthy. 6. Conclusion Rolls-Royce, the global leader in power systems and services for air, land and sea, will focus on both the importance of services for its civil and defense aerospace markets and its newest programs for these markets, mainly on the global market. In civil and military business, they can also through acquisition of developing countrys jet industry to expand market segment. Therefore there are tremendous opportunities for future business in expanding consumer markets, such as China and India. After setbacks in the exploration, the corporation has achieved a positive development under the leadership of Sir John Rose.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

15% Tax Across The Board Essay -- essays research papers

15% Tax Across the Board Money, I bet I have your attention now? Hard working Americans are consistently held down due to taxes. There are many unnecessary taxes that are taken from each individual every single year. The 15% sales tax concept eliminates the frustration and confusion of the different kinds of taxes, and creates more money for the federal government. This concept has been overlooked year after year since its conception. This is a 15% sales tax; a tax that takes 15% of all goods sold and gives it to our government. Be aware of the fact that it is now 7.75%; a lot of you may say, "7.75% is way too much already". The answer to that question is no, no it is not. That 15% sales tax goes directly to the federal government eliminating all income tax in ones paycheck. Imagine seeing your paycheck without taxes taken out of it. It seems almost unimaginable to me; now we can imagine it. What does every employee constantly complain about every single paid day? What is one of the main topics that the presidential candidates stressed while campaigning? How come people like drug dealers get a big advantage in this world when it comes to pay taxes? And again, what consistently holds down the hard working American? I have found a way to answer all those questions? This concept has actually found a way to tax everybody, not just the working ones. This concept also makes it fair and economical to our federal government, not just the individual taxpayer. Under the implementation of this concept an individual could receive a paycheck and have virtually no taxes taken from it. This 15% sales tax eliminates confusion, taxes everybody, and organizes the government in a way that has never been done. Eliminating the confusion of distributing all of the taxes throughout the country would be in our government's vital interest. Every two weeks I will go through the exact same ritual, I will receive my paycheck and furiously tare it open to see how much money I will be able to lose in the next two weeks. I'm always blessed with a beautiful number at the top that is very fair and deserving for the hard work that I do on the weekly basis. Then I always see a whole bunch of abbreviations, different dollar amounts, then the number at the bottom that always seems to depr... ...s many government jobs. These jobs will be eliminated because there won't be so many different branches to our government. We will now only need a select few to watch over the money, rather than having the whole chain of command for each and every department. Organization and efficiency in our government is key, and the less there is to worry about the better. While this concept is a good one, it's not absolutely flawless. There are many wrinkles that indeed need to be ironed out. However, is a good starting block and something that could potentially change the country and how it operates? Whether this plan should actually be utilized or not, is not the question. The question is, what is involved with it, and how does a benefit our country? While I have talked about social security, it is not quite know exactly how that would be funded. Big businesses are another concern in this concept. How will big businesses be taxed under the implementation of this plan? The main objective to this plan still stands tall; it eliminates confusion, taxes everybody, and creates an organized government that we could all be proud of.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Policing Practices and Operations Essay

Law enforcement officers have many duties. Law enforcement officers are sworn to serve and protect society as well as to fight crime. They also maintain order within their jurisdiction, as well as providing other services that the community will benefit from. Most of the time, police officers are considered to be crime fighters, in which this image has been brought to citizen’s attention by the media. The styles of policing should match the community in which they serve, so there is no conflict between the community and the law enforcement officer. The future policing structure does have a huge impact socially, economically, and politically within the community and the police departments general needs so that they can provide the proper policing that is needed. Life threatening situations take place in different circumstances, which includes the law enforcement agencies. Dangers Law enforcement officers face being wounded or murdered as they are on the line of duty in the United States, every year. The greatest threat a police officer will ever face is bodily harm and death. When a law enforcement officer is called to a scene and responds to a disturbance call, the law enforcement officer is confronted with the possibilities of violent actions from an armed suspect. Although, bodily harm as well as death upon a law enforcement officer are not the only dangers in policing. Family issues and stress related illnesses also can be contributing factors to the danger of a law enforcement officer and policing. Law enforcement officer’s jobs can surely take a toll on their lives as well as their well-being. If the pressures of their type of work are handled and coped with property, it could end up becoming life threatening. Today’s law enforcement officers are faced with many dangers within their everyday duties, like rival threats of getting shot. Examples are: vehicle pursuits, traffic control, and foot pursuit, stress, making an arrest, and sun exposure/duty equipment and biohazard exposure. These dangers are exposed to law enforcement officers on a daily basis. This is why it is important for law enforcement officers to wear their bulletproof vests as well as their belts that contain pepper spray, radio, handgun, baton, and handcuffs. All of this specified equipment usually will weigh up to about twenty pounds, which adds stress to the law enforcement officers hips, feet, knees, and back areas. Stress to the law enforcement officers body by getting in and out of their patrol vehicle up to about fifty times within one day, as they have to wear all of their equipment. Law enforcement officers are exposed to the extreme temperatures for many hours at a time. They may have to be in extreme heat c onditions, such as one hundred degree heat, while conducting traffic control at a scene of an accident. They also sometimes have to provide crime scene security when the weather may be in freezing conditions. Law enforcement officers are at the mercy of all weather conditions. Also, a lot of the times law enforcement officers are called to a scene and they are not properly prepared for it because of the weather conditions and they do not have the time to stop somewhere to get what they need to prepare themselves. They may have to stand out in extremely hot or freezing weather without the proper protection they may need or hydration they so desperately have to have. Law enforcement officer’s physical dangers have to be dealt with as well as trying to always be ready for the worst. As this can add so much mental and physical stress upon the law enforcement officer. They have to be aware of their surroundings and environment all the time. Law enforcement officers have to be alert as well as being prepared for all situations that may occur. The officer will rarely have time to get prepared for an emergency call. They have to sometimes rely on the training the received to be able to make important, split second decisions that are based on different circumstances. The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks gained the attention from all the departments within law enforcement. Within the federal policing agencies, they took precautionary measures to make sure that the people of  the United States were safe. Even though, the local and state agencies have managed to keep the people’s fears under control within the United States and communities as well. All of the agencies in the United States have to work fearlessly on preventing and reducing the citizen’s fears caused by terrorism. When terrorism is looked into, law enforcement agencies and Homeland security across the world are very imperative that the agencies try to work together in solving the crimes by using shared information and by having departmental as sistance. All in all, terrorism is always a danger for law enforcement officers. Statistics As reports were published by the National Police Officer Memorial Funds said that in 2010, officer’s fatalities treacherously rose. There was a two year drop of law enforcement mortalities in 2010 that rose to 160. This was intensified by about forty percent compared by looking at the year before. The data gathered by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund indicated that for the thirteenth consecutive year, the number one cause of law enforcement officers deaths were contributed by traffic fatalities, within thirty nine states. Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia were also involved in law enforcement officer’s related deaths in 2010. Within the third consecutive year in a row, Texas, Florida, and California were ranked on top of the five states that involved the most of law enforcement fatalities. The Federal law enforcement Officers had a total of eleven law enforcement officers that were lost, including the Federal agents that lost their lives in the line of duty during 2010, along with United States Customs, two United States Border Patrol agents, and three Border Protection officers. According with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (2011) website, it stated that fifty-six law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty. Thirty two law enforcement officers that were among the fifty-six, were employed within city police departments. Thirteen of them were employed for law enforcement agencies within cities of a population consisting of 250,000 or more people that reside there. In Puerto Rico and twenty two other states, there was also line of duty deaths as well. There were fifteen law enforcement officers who lost their lives in ambush situations as well. There were fourteen law enforcement officers that lost their lives in felonious attacks while involved in arrest situations. There were eight law enforcement officers that were killed when they were investigating suspicious persons/circumstances. There were seven law enforcement officers that were killed while working on traffic stops/pursuits. Six law enforcement officers were killed while answering to disturbance calls. There were three law enforcement officers that were killed while they were involved in tactical situations, like high risk entry, barricaded offender, hostage situations, etc. There were two law enforcement officers that were killed upon conducting investigations while searching, interviewing, and looking at surveillance. And one law enforcement officer was killed as they were maintaining custody of a prisoner or while transporting a prisoner. With future policing, I feel that it is important to have close communication with the homeland security. I personally feel that the more communication there is, the more we will progress and bring better policing skills. It is equally as important to have communication with all law enforcement agencies to help in improving all policing operations that are dealt with. In future policing, the importance of keeping law enforcement agencies relationships maintained will build better and stronger agencies. With the relationship within law enforcement agencies and homeland security are not as accurate as seemed. It is understood that all agencies serve different purposes, as they are all in charge of different types of areas within society to serve and protect. I believe that joining forces with other agencies would be beneficial. It would be beneficial because by all working together, there could be issues that could be addressed a lot better. Along with lack of communication among law enforcement agencies and homeland security, we would be able to better handle the various criminal issues better. I feel that this can also improve community policing and law enforcement relationships. With the new technology equipment that police officers receive, they can work on their policing styles, such as being reactive or proactive. Once these issues are changed, there will be better communication with other law enforcement agencies, as they would be able to serve and protect in much more positive ways. This will decrease crime rates as well as increasing practices that  are reactive. As crime rates decrease, and proactive and reactive practices are being practiced, then the start of confidence will show within all law enforcement agencies. Although, there are many differences in the power as well as the authority, responsibilities and roles, and the difference in jurisdiction at the local, state, and federal levels within law enforcement officers. It is clearly apparent that all of the dangers within them remain equally the same. References American bar association. (2011). Standards on urban police functions. Retrieved from http://www.americanbar.org/publications/criminal_justice_section_archive/crimjust_standards_urbanpolice.html Federal bureau of investigations. (2011). Officers feloniously killed. Retrieved from http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/leoka/leoka-2010/officers-feloniously-killed Crime in America.NET. (2011). Law enforcement fatalities dramatically increase in 2010. Retrieved from http://crimeinamerica.net/2011/01/04/law-enforcement-fatalities-dramatically-increase-in-2010/

Friday, November 8, 2019

10 Questions to Ask For-Profit Online Colleges

10 Questions to Ask For-Profit Online Colleges Not all for-profit colleges are scams. In fact, some offer students flexibility and a career-oriented learning style that can be difficult to find elsewhere. On the other hand, some online for-profit programs rake in big money while leaving students with lots of debt and few job prospects. If you’re considering enrolling in a for-profit online college, hold off on signing that first tuition check until you get answers to these ten questions: 1. What is the colleges accreditation status? You’ll want to make sure that your school’s accreditation is recognized by the United States Department of Education. The most transferable form of accreditation comes from the six nationally-recognized regional accrediting bodies. 2. Is the school now (or has it ever been) on one of the federal financial watch lists? The federal government recently released a list of colleges that are being monitored due to concerning financial behavior. Although the list isn’t comprehensive, you’ll want to make sure your college isn’t on it. 3. What is the colleges graduation rate? Find out what percent of students who start the program end up graduating. If this number is particularly low, it’s a good indicator that the school may not be providing a quality experience or enough student support. 4. How many students who graduate from the program are able to find a career in their field? The federal government is starting to crack down on for-profit programs that charge a lot for tuition and leave students in the dark when it comes to career prospects. Make sure your investment is worthwhile - you’ll want to know that a reasonable percentage of graduates in your program are able to find employment. 5. How long does it actually take most students to graduate from this program? It’s likely that the average is longer than 4 years. But, if students are taking 6-8 years to earn an undergraduate degree, that might be a sign to look elsewhere. 6. How much student debt does the average student in this program take on? Tuition prices may be posted. But, how much debt are students actually accruing? When you factor in student fees, additional coursework, textbooks, and graduation charges, expenses start to add up. You don’t want to graduate with a photography degree and $100,000 of student debt. Make sure that your debt won’t be too challenging to manage with your expected income. 7. What kind of access to career development does the school offer? Traditional schools tend to offer job fairs, employer meet-and-greets, resume reviews, and other career development options. Does your for-profit program provide any services to help put your degree to use? 8. What other schools or parent companies is this for-profit program connected with? Some for-profit schools are part of larger conglomerate of schools. Sometimes, when a for-profit program fails, it takes new life with a new name. Do a bit of research into your college’s history and make sure they’ve been thriving for a while. 9. What are the advantages of choosing this school over a non-profit alternative? Some for-profit schools offer legitimate advantages. They may be able to let you focus on your career rather than saddle you with too many general ed requirements. Or, they may be able to help you finish a degree in less time and with less expense. However, this isn’t always the case. Find out by comparing your for-profit options with similar non-profit and public colleges. 10. How does this school track their statistics? Don’t just ask the above questions to a telephone recruiter and call it a day. Learn where and how they are collecting this information. Then, double-check the numbers with outside sources. Don’t rely on any school to give you the full picture without your own research to back it up. Jamie Littlefield is a writer and instructional designer. She can be reached on Twitter or through her educational coaching website: jamielittlefield.com.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Gay Celebrities in Interracial Marriages and Relationships

Gay Celebrities in Interracial Marriages and Relationships Interracial marriages occur more frequently among gay couples than they do among their heterosexual counterparts. Data from the 2010 census reveals that 20.6 percent of same-sex couples are interracial. That’s more than two percentage points higher than the amount of unmarried heterosexual couples (18.3 percent) in interracial relationships, and more than double the amount of married heterosexual couples (9.5 percent) in such relationships. Given the prevalence of cross-cultural relationships in the gay community, it’s no wonder that many of the celebrities who’ve come out as gay in recent years have partners of a different race. Learn more about the gay celebrities in interracial marriages and relationships with this list rundown. Robin Roberts and Amber Laign Robin Roberts came out as gay in a Facebook post in December 2013, making her arguably the most famous black lesbian in the country. The co-host of â€Å"Good Morning America† has fought breast cancer and a rare blood disorder called myelodysplastic syndrome in recent years. One of the reasons she chose to finally come out is to recognize the support she’s received from her longtime girlfriend, Amber Laign, who is white. â€Å"At this moment I am at peace and filled with joy and gratitude,† Roberts wrote. I am grateful to God, my doctors and nurses for my restored good health. I am grateful for my sister, Sally-Ann, for being my donor and giving me the gift of life.I am grateful for my entire family, my long time girlfriend, Amber, and friends as we prepare to celebrate a glorious new year together. I am grateful for the many prayers and well wishes for my recovery. I return every one of them to you 100 fold.† When Robert identified Laign as her girlfriend in a Facebook post, the couple had been involved for a decade, according to reports. Roberts and Laign live in an apartment together in New York, and their relationship was known to the ABC News staff. Roberts may have decided to go public with the relationship because she’s writing a memoir, to be released in April 2014, about the health problems she’s overcome. Mario Cantone and Jerry Dixon After 20 years together, comedian Mario Cantone, an Italian American, and Jerry Dixon, an African American, wed in October 2011. He announced his nuptials to the musical theater director on ABC’s â€Å"The View,† the chat show where he frequently serves as guest co-host. â€Å"We’re older now. We’ve been together 20 years,† said Cantone on   the talk show. â€Å"After 20 years you’re like, ‘Thanks for the anti-climactic honeymoon, government!’† Cantone, of course, was taking aim at the government for preventing same-sex couples from marrying. On a more serious note, Cantone revealed that his family members attended the wedding and that Jay Bakker, the son of late evangelist Tammy Faye Bakker Messner, conducted the ceremony. Wanda and Alex Sykes Comedienne Wanda Sykes, who is African American, wed her white wife, Alex, in 2008. The couple has two children together. Before her marriage to Alex, Sykes was married to a man. Sykes remarked on â€Å"Oprah’s Next Chapter† that she didn’t come out to her mother until she was 40 years old. It took several years for her mother to accept Syke’s sexual orientation, the comedienne told Oprah Winfrey. Sykes also said that as a black woman and a lesbian she faces three different forms of discrimination. In addition, she finds objection to same-sex marriage to be peculiar. â€Å"I don’t understand why people really get upset about something that doesn’t affect them,† she said. â€Å"And I say, do you know how many people got married yesterday? Neither do I and I don’t care.† Alec Mapa and Jamison Hebert Actor Alec Mapa of â€Å"Half Half† and â€Å"Ugly Betty† fame married filmmaker Jamison Hebert in 2008. Mapa is Filipino and Hebert is white. The two have an adopted African-American son named Zion. Mapa has said that he still faces discrimination because of his relationship. He recalled the time he and his family entered the United States after a jaunt to Mexico and a customs agent behaved rudely toward them. â€Å"He was really brusque - he said, ‘You know we don’t recognize this federally, it’s the United States,’† Mapa recounted. After the customs agent spotted the couple’s young son, however, he relented. George and Brad Takei Actor George Takei of â€Å"Star Trek† fame married his husband, Brad, in 2008. Takei is Japanese-American and his husband is white. The couple had been together for 26 years before tying the knot. They married when the state of California finally allowed same-sex couples to wed. Takei’s husband, born Brad Altman, decided to take his last name, legally changing it after the marriage ceremony. â€Å"I argued with him on that,† Takei explained to â€Å"Access Hollywood Live.† â€Å"He wanted to become a Takei.†

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Immensity Of The Collision Between Cultures Essay

The Immensity Of The Collision Between Cultures - Essay Example The sages say that the past is not really real, that it is just all in the mind, thoughts, that have no reality in and of itself. From experience, I can say that I am more a product of my choices and my own personal history rather than my cultural heritage. I have always been my own person, distinct from another, in the same way, that even my closest friends are different from me, and defined by their own choices, even though we grew up together and share many things in common. Growing up, there was no question that I can be my own person and that I can even make decisions on who to befriend and what I did with my free time, within limits. I was even free to choose what I wanted to study and what career I would pursue. My tastes in clothes and in music have always been my own. Even my choice of friends is something that was, is up to me. All of these are encapsulated in my present, and my present circumstances alone shape all of these choices and decisions, unhampered by any past or cultural tradition or heritage. This seems so contrary to what Kingston’s family in China, and the young unmarried people in their community, were used to. Their restriction and bowing to tradition seemed to be the norm, and going against the dictates of the community meant becoming ostracized and forgotten. Yet in another sense, we human beings need some kind of grounding in the past. If there is no past then a man in a way is also a kind of ungrounded animal with no social dimension at all. The past roots us to social history, and cultural history as well. In this social aspect and cultural aspect of our lives, we relate to others, and others relate to us, in the categories that they also define themselves in. In the context of American society, this is clear.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

What do I think the life of a paralegal looks like Essay

What do I think the life of a paralegal looks like - Essay Example The life of a paralegal is challenging due to the demanding tasks, strict deadlines, work overloads and long working hours. A day in the life of a paralegal often starts at 9.00 am on arrival at the office where the paralegal must go through his e-mail and check for any letters at his or her desk. The individual must first finish with any administrative duties such as filling the paperwork and responding to e-mails from clients and his or her boss. The individual is expected to interview clients and attend meetings the boss and life can be stressful especially when the individual is not aware of the current status of the ongoing cases. The opportunity to display well-honed practical legal skills presents itself when the boss calls the paralegal to prepare a legal research on a certain case. A paralegal is tasked with legal research and is one of the tasks that occupies most of the paralegal’s time since it entails looking for details of past court rulings on similar cases, court decisions, verdicts of trials and relevant statutes that support the lawyer’s case arguments. The work is tedious and time-consuming since a paralegal is expected to have the current writings and documents that uncover the facts about a case in an organized and concise manner. The individual will be required to draft and write legal documents and attorneys expect one to have top-notch writing skills. In a day, a paralegal can draft, review and write several pleadings, case findings and legal memorandums and this requires one to remain attentive to details and present the ideas coherently in the writings. The paralegal will have to prepare court memos and briefs or write minutes during meetings. Depending on the field specialization, the paralegal will assist the attorney in filing tax returns or drafting contract documents. In short, a paralegal writes many documents during his or work and advises clients on

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Pax Romana. Read up on it in your textbook and then write a three-four Research Paper

Pax Romana. Read up on it in your textbook and then write a three-four page on those emperors who you think were good ( an - Research Paper Example They made possible the prosperous trades by which Roman civilization acquired rich imports of Chinese, Persian rugs, Arabian perfumes, Phoenician purple dyes, Indonesian spices, as well as Greek porcelains and Indian fabrics. As such, during the reign of Roman Emperor Trajan (A.D. 53 – A.D. 117), a Spanish military commander, there had been rigorous efforts to construct useful buildings for Romans. Among his great achievements besides facilitating extensive projects on building public structures, Trajan is additionally recognized for his policies on social welfare and conquests in the east. Because of him, Rome would stand in pride even in modern times due to Trajan’s Forum, Trajan’s Market, and Trajan’s Column which were all erected upon implementation of his successful program. Similarly, the rule of Roman Emperor Hadrian (76 A.D. - 138 A.D.)  brought wealth and security for the empire the time he eradicated the territorial expansion of Rome and fortif ied Roman boundaries upon construction of several â€Å"Walls of Hadrian†. ... Apparently, Trajan and Hadrian did make salutary emperors of Rome based on the aforementioned accomplishments from which I can perceive how they took care of the entire citizenry by focusing on provisions and works that improved the empire and strengthened healthy socio-political relations among people who looked up to leaders whose ideals were far from corrupt and selfish inclinations. Together with the other three good emperors namely – Nerva, Antonius Pius, and Marcus Aurelius, they had been able to establish a kind of government that consisted of officials who advanced people’s interests and worked for the empire with large sense of integrity and heart. To this extent, I must highly commend Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 161 – A.D. 180) for all the good vibes felt by the empire out of his exceeding humble goodness. His wonderful character trait basically demonstrated the capacity to share imperial powers like the treatment he gave to Lucius Aurelius Veru s and his predecessor Antonius Pius whose wishes were granted after his regime. Marcus Aurelius is such a remarkable emperor for bearing not just the knowledge of good leadership but even of refined intellect since he was widely known and acclaimed for being a writer and philosopher of the Stoic school of thought. As a philosopher-king of his time, he authored exemplary works such as the â€Å"Meditations† along with the writings which manifested wisdom of truth and beauty of reason. At this point, I could quite imagine how the needs of each citizen were sincerely taken care of by the rule of such an emperor who, by his nature, respected and employed moral virtues of philosophy

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sustainability of Singapore as a Sports Tourism Hub Essay Example for Free

Sustainability of Singapore as a Sports Tourism Hub Essay 1.Introduction 1.1.Purpose To present an overview of the latest sporting developments in Singapore and evaluate Singapore’s sustainability in enhancing Singapore’s position as a sports tourism hub in Asia. 1.2.Objectives -Discuss the recent infrastructures constructed for Singapore’s sporting industry -Identify recent initiatives by the Singapore Sports Council -Highlight key inaugural sporting events held recently -Discuss the advantages of having Singapore as a sports tourism hub -Discuss limitations faced in the long run and some measures being taken -Determine Singapore’s sustainability in the long run 1.3.Definition 1.3.1.Sports Tourism (Higham, 2004) All forms of active and passive involvement in sporting activity, participated in casually or in an organized way for non-commercial or business/ commercial reasons, that necessitate travel away from the home and work locality. 1.3.2.Sustainable Tourism (Higham, 2004) Tourism which is in a form which can be maintained its viability in an area for an indefinite period of time. 1.4.Overview of Sports in Singapore Singapore’s position in the regional sporting arena has been an area of consistent improvements over the years. The outstanding performance from our aspiring young athletes during the Asian Youth Games in 2009, clinching a 4th on the medal tally further proved Singapore’s prowess in sports in this region. With several state-of-the-art sports facilities and structures being constructed in the region, Singapore has been keeping itself up to date with the sports in the region and providing venues for such activities. The upcoming major summer games, Youth Olympic Games 2010 (YOG 2010) will be  held in Singapore as well, with examples of infrastructural and government support examined in the report. 1.5.Method of Investigation This report is an assessment of research gathered through magazines, official and government websites, annual reports, news articles and books on sports tourism till 9th February 2010. An email correspondence had also been established with Ms Rachel Chan, a staff of HiVelocity who are the organisers for local events like Sundown Marathon, Aviva Ironman 70.3 and Men’s Health Urbanathlon. 2.Local Sports Tourism 2.1.Latest Infrastructure Developments 2.1.1.Tampines Bike Trail Constructed in 2007, the 60-hectare trail will be used for BMX and Mountain Bike (MTB) during the Youth Olympic Games. It has been recently upgraded to make it more technically challenging. Since then, it has hosted several regional MTB events like the Phat Tyre Sunday Mountain Bike Race, Bike Asia 100 and the Eneloop Mountain Bike Carnival. 2.1.2.Singapore Turf Club (STC) At its new location next to Kranji MRT Station, the STC is an exemplary architectural centrepiece of a racecourse, with a roof structure inspired by a horse in motion. It houses several grandstands with exclusive and unobstructed viewing for public, privileged cardholders and invited guests. With a range of FB, viewing galleries and event rooms, the STC is capable of holding large scale equestrian events. 2.1.3.Marina Reservoir The Marina Reservoir, opened in Nov 1 2008, was part of Singapore’s plan in diversifying its water supply by recycling waste water and desalinating sea-water. Being the largest reservoir, it is able to host a variety of water sports including rowing and canoe-kayaking with the Gardens by the Bay; a new park next to the reservoir providing an excellent vantage point. 2.2.Recent Initiatives SSC has recently launched a nationwide movement called â€Å"Let’s Play†. It encourages all Singaporeans to be involved in sports in all ways, emphasizing on increasing the ease of involving oneself in sports through playing, cheering or volunteering. The SSC had also launched collaborated with the URA to construct more public parks, park connectors, open communal areas and exercise corners to encourage exercise locally. The implementation of the Dual-Use Scheme, which opens school fields to the public and the opening of Singapore’s largest integrated complex in Jurong West with sports facilities and instructional courses complete with retail and food outlets are also part of SSC’s efforts to go all out in making citizens live healthily. The establishment of an online lifestyle interactive portal; singaporesports.sg on 6th May 2008 aims to entertain, inform and educates. With a calendar of sporting events, forums, blogs, news on the local and international sports scene, volunteering opportunities as well as a membership system to enjoy discounts and offers at partner establishments. 2.3.Sporting Events 2.3.1.Asian Youth Games The inaugural Asian Youth Games was held in Singapore between 29 June 2009 and 7 July 2009. It has attracted about 1,300 top juniors, aged 14-17 from 45 National Olympic Councils competing in 9 sports with the aims to build good relations within the Asian community. 1,100 participants were housed in the Games Village at Swissotel The Stamford which is centrally located. Organised by Singapore Sports Council and Ministry of Education, there is indeed strong funding and support from the government for this event. The event venues for the 9 sports have also been selectively chosen for their standards. However, the Games were impended by the cloud of the H1N1 influenza which had infected members of the Hong Kong and Philippines football team. Stringent measures were taken by the Olympic Council Asia to  ensure early identification and isolation. 2.3.2.Aviva Ironman Triathlon 70.3 The Ironman triathlon was founded in 1978, with the half-ironman distance of 70.3 miles introduced in 2006. The Singapore version was formed in 2007 which was also a qualifying event for the Foster Grant Ironman World Championships in Clearwater Florida USA. This was an incentive for elite and aspiring elites to come to compete in this race. Since then, several veteran and uprising world champions have been featured in Singapore’s version. In the recent 2009 series, 45% of the 1,500 participants were foreigners with high spending power as proven by the race fees of about $375 per registration. 2.3.3.Men’s Health Urbanathlon (MHU) On the 31st January 2010, 1,500 participants gathered at Marina Square for the inaugural Singapore edition of MHU which saw participants completing 8 obstacles over a distance of 12.5km. First held in Chicago and in Britain, the novelty of this race emphasises on the one of a kind obstacles in an urban setting. 19% of the participants were foreigners. 3.Singapore as a Sports hub 3.1.Advantages 3.1.1.Increased arrivals The direct beneficiaries of this effect include airlines, hotels, food and beverage establishments, tour agencies and the organisers of the race itself. In addition to this, the accompanying families of participants generate revenue through shopping and spending leisure time at tourist attractions. Overseas sponsors and media representatives are also invited to grace the event with their presence and more money would be spent attending to their comfort and enjoyment. Maintenance and repairs of equipment are in demand, with foreigners more willing to spend on purchasing of spare parts and quick fixes. 3.1.2.Increase direct media presence and popularity During major events like the Youth Olympic Games 2010 and Formula 1 Grand Prix, there would be increased media coverage and international focus. Live or replayed telecasts would show emphasis on the race in progress, with the skyline and background infrastructure gaining attention apart from the race. During the 2008 F1 Grand Prix, the line up in the circuit park included entertainment from Zouk DJs, Bob Marley’s Wailers, Dim Sum Dollies and the Coyote Ugly girls, accompanied by established FB food stalls. Trees around the circuit park were used as part of a visual art project called Humanature. All these were done to maximise spectator experience, in turn projecting Singapore in a positive light on the world stage, with the skyscrapers of the city in the background, and eye catching structures like the Esplanade standing out. All these would invigorate the viewers’ senses whether watching overseas or on site and might increase interest to visit Singapore to see these attractions. 3.2.Limitations 3.2.1.Land Scarcity Scarcity of land and other resources has been a constant challenge faced by Singapore. Therefore Singapore has always placed emphasis on sustainable development and land-use. Ways of optimising the use of natural resources include sourcing for alternative usages for materials or facilities. An example of the land with multiple uses would be the International Convention Centre at Suntec City Singapore. This multi-purpose indoor convention and exhibition centre has hosted the many huge events and meetings. It would also be used for several sports like boxing, fencing, handball, judo, taekwondo and wrestling during the Youth Olympic Games. However, the challenge would be maximising the potential of land space for multiple land-use in the future, to enhance the potential for larger events to take place in Singapore. 3.2.2.Lack of manpower Volunteers, performers, cheerleaders, referees are some of the essential roles needed to be filled for a sporting event on a big scale to be successful. In Singapore, the Ministry of Education is supporting schools to change curriculum times or test schedules during the Youth Olympic Games. A twinning programme has also been created to pair schools up with the different countries participating in the Games, to learn more about the country and hosting them when they arrive. These activities and initiatives would definitely ease the organisers’ job in integrating the overseas participants into the community and give students a chance of making new friends and learning about different cultures. Students would also be encouraged to volunteer themselves in the event and be excited of being part of it. 3.2.3.Global Financial Crisis The recent economy crisis had caught the world by surprise and resulted in the weakening of economies, Singapore was affected as well. However, good corporate governance and foresightedness had led to the quick rebound of the economy. However as construction costs had surged during the crisis, SSC’s plan of building a sports hub by 2010 to 2015. As such, Singapore is unable to host the 2013 Southeast Asian Games as initially planned. 3.3.Sustainability Sports tourism has been identified as a fast growing industry, with new sports and games being created and flourishing over the recent years. With its current collection of world class sporting venues, Singapore is indeed suitable for hosting large sporting events, logistically and socially providing support. The government has been supportive throughout the organisation of sporting events, with the Mr Teo Ser Luck, Minister of Community Development, Youth and Sports being particularly involved in events like Asian Youth Games and Youth YOG 2010. He has been a part of several initiatives, like the collaboration with ITE to provide customised volunteer training for YOG  2010, the MindChamps Youth Athlete 3- Days Programme sponsored by Singapore Sports Council for the 100 local athletes at $2,800 per student. Sponsorship has been very successful for the Youth Olympic Games 2010, with Samsung recently announcing its sponsorship of 5,000 smart phones for athletes and officials. With 21 domestic sponsors and 9 international sponsors as of 6th Feb 2010, Singapore has proven its reliability and capability and gained the sponsors trust. More importantly, Singapore has been able to foresee challenges faced ahead and plan for its future. The Urban Redevelopment Authority has successfully planned for the use of the city as a circuit for the Formula 1 Grand Prix race track. This feat would not be possible without dedicated research and continuous improvement after each year. Since then, the track has been used for events like Run Singapore 2009 and the upcoming Chingay Parade Singapore 2010. The Marina Reservoir has further proven URA†s capability and commitment to sustainable development. With the construction of the barrage, the Marina Reservoir is now the 15th water catchment area and the largest thus far. Not only will Singapore be less reliant on other countries for water, more activities like dragon boating and power boating previously unsuitable could now be conducted there. However, the Singapore Sports Council has not fulfilled some of its promises made, like the construction of the Sports Hub and Changi Race Track , initially scheduled to be completed, had been delayed due to rising construction costs and lack of finance. This inconsistency on the government’s part had led to losing the chance of hosting the 2013 SEA Games. As the sporting scene evolves with speciality and novelty events like the Aviva Ironman 70.3 and Men’s Health Urbanathlon, space and support has to be given to encourage organisers to increase its capacity. The past 3 editions of Aviva Ironman 70.3 had their registrations capped at 1,500 and a full participation for all years, with 45% of participants being foreigners in the 2009 edition. More locations has been added to the list, with the approval of more road closures like the East Coast Parkway Expressway and the Ayer Rajah Expressway during the cycling leg of Aviva Ironman 70.3 in 2008 and the usage of the urban setting in the city for the Urbanathlon. 4.Conclusion Singapore, strategically located within South-East Asia and surrounded by sea, has established a good reputation as being easily accessible and suitable for business dealings and trade. With a high standard of living and a socially responsible government, Singapore has managed to remain competitive through changing times and braved though health threats and economic crisis. The government has been keeping the nation increasingly involved in sporting events and keeping the infrastructure in Singapore suited to the needs of specific sports and with multiple uses. The recent events hosted in Singapore include the F1 Grand Prix, Asian Youth Games 2009, Singapore Marathon and Aviva Ironman 70.3. Each successful event held in Singapore, the publicity and exposure to the global stage would propel Singapore as the destination to be for sports, business and leisure. Singapore’s position would be enhanced as a tourism hub, with world class athletes gathering for major events as well, attracting supporters from different countries. This would definitely enhance Singapore as a tourism destination with multiple offerings, with sports tourism adding on to the long list of available options. The sustainability of Singapore’s sports tourism has thus far been successful with the efforts from the government and public sector, with various ministries working hand in hand through health threats and compromising with school’s schedules to make the students available during the YOG period. With the continuous effort and improved consistency of relevant agencies, sports tourism would be a potential market which would flourish in the near future.