Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Grave danger essays

Grave danger essays "The gravest danger facing America and the World today is outlaw regimes that seek and possess nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons." This line from Presidents Bush's 2003 State of the Union Address underlines what is in store for our nation. The risk to our country is increasing more and more due to the availability of cheap weapons and military technology. There are a couple of factors that contribute to the rise in our national security risk. The first and most obvious threat comes in the form of terrorism from armed minorities, for example militant Islamic groups. Defending a nation from terrorist attacks is tricky, because of the fluidity of the group. It's not like dealing with a country, these terrorists live within civilization that may not know of their existence. Another security risk are unstable regimes or aggressive states that are rising to power. These countries are potentially dangerous because of irrational rulers, or strong senses of nationalism. These nation states can hurt us in a couple of ways. One way, is by supporting terrorists and other militant groups with guns and money. Another way a country could be a danger to the US is through a cold war style face off Whatever the case, these problems won't go away and must be dealt with. Terrorism, by definition is "a form of political violence conducted by individuals, groups, or clandestine government agents that attempts to manipulate politics by attacking noncombatants and nonmilitary targets in order to create a climate of fear." (Rourke 597) Prior to the terrorist attacks on 9/11, Americans thought terrorism was largely a problem for just the Middle East. A 1999 survey found that only twelve percent of Americans surveyed even mentioned terrorism. (Rourke 348) The train bombings in Madrid last month is a great example of how effective terrorism can be. The result of the bombing was the president losing an election that he had tied up before ...

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