Thursday, October 17, 2019

The cost an organization would pay to start and operate an on-site day Essay

The cost an organization would pay to start and operate an on-site day care center for it's employees - Essay Example $75.00 $180 Kindergarten $99.27 $57.52 $135 School Age $58.22 $38.00 $75 Weekly cost of childcare centers in Kirkland Average Minimum Maximum Infant $181.77 $139.59 $234.70 Toddler $141.63 $98.94 $215.83 Preschool $117.29 $92.04 $176.02 Kindergarten $100.02 $46.02 $150.00 School Age $68.38 $40.00 $84.21 Likewise, Hittle (2006) listed below the list that must be addressed in order to operate a Daycare Center: 1. Set Up Equipment Furnishings Supplies Pre-operational leasing payments Damage deposit Business accounts deposit Renovations Licensing requirements Start up loan Licenses & Permits 2. Staff Costs Health Insurance Employee absences; sick leave, vacation, professional days substitutes Taxes Payroll service (optional, but well worth the money) Accountant (to help set up your record keeping system) *Rule of Thumb: add 15% to base salaries 3. Operating Costs Rent Garbage removal Recycling removal Utility bills Maintenance & Repairs Insurance Supplies Equipment Food Phone Fire alarm system LaFratta (2006) presented the following table for costing or estimate of costs: Sources and Application of Funding Sources: New Debt: Loan $ 82,980 Equipment 20,000 Investment from (name) $ 5,000 Total $107,980 Applications: Retro fit of building $ 68,219 Equipment 15,000 Start Up costs 14,761 . 5,000 Total $107,980 Mcmillin (1996) cited the Susquehanna Child Care Center as one successful although still experiencing a lot of difficulties and challenges as a joint effort between community and university in setting up a daycare center to address needs of university staff, as well as others interested. Conclusion: The actual operating cost of a daycare center for an organization is very much dependent on a lot of things... Bringing together people who are willing to propagate support, change, and explore possibilities that make the on-site daycare center an on-going growth and discovery project. A successful one could as well be a recruitment tool and could generate positive publicity. Given the above, it is now easier to present costs that are of necessary consideration in starting up a day care center. Cost definitely is dependent on the available resources, location whether city or rural area, competition (if ever), facilities, services, special features, availability, among other variations that directly alter actual costs. Mcmillin (1996) cited the Susquehanna Child Care Center as one successful although still experiencing a lot of difficulties and challenges as a joint effort between community and university in setting up a daycare center to address needs of university staff, as well as others interested. The actual operating cost of a daycare center for an organization is very much dependent on a lot of things and this paper could only cite examples as varying actual costs are considered. With the listings above as a guide, a planner or provider may make and research his or her own location's actual costs in order to get the exact or near exact data. Outsourcing to other local providers maybe a good option for an organization considering that setting up is in its

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