Sunday, August 11, 2019

Unit2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Unit2 - Essay Example Therefore, there arises the question of whether sentencing the child molester to life imprisonment is enough or if death penalty should be imposed. Punishment cannot ever be measured and given to meet the crime accurately. So, it becomes difficult to decide which punishment is to be awarded for a crime. Another fact is that no punishment can undo the physical or mental trauma meted out to the victim through a crime. Punishment is given so that the crime may not be repeated and the criminal be shown the right path of life while he is imprisoned. Even so, criminals who have served their tenure in jail, when they come out, begin the same old cycle of committing crimes, child molesting in this case. They can never be stopped. The only way, then, left is to award them the death penalty. But it is out of the league of anyone to understand whether a person who committed the crime once will again do so or not. Thus, by giving death penalty, the society is eliminating that person’s chances to become good. There is a possibility in death penalties that a person who earnestly wants to mend his ways may get executed. Throughout the clip, the terms â€Å"death penalty† and â€Å"child molester† have been repeated. This repetition lays a strong emphasis on the topic. The rhetoric strongly strikes home the significance of the issue under debate. It is true that the child molester kills even the child’s soul and he or she suffers throughout his or her life for the wrong that has been done. It becomes a black mark the child and affects him or her physically, mentally as well as emotionally. Towards the end, the anchor adds a comment, â€Å"Coming back we are talking weather worries of Doctor Whitman.† This seems totally out of place as all along the serious topic of child molestation and its effect on the survivors as well as the punishment for the molesters was being discussed. But then

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